tap follower

One of my very early things I made on the lathe was a tap follower. I watched several Youtube videos for inspiration. There are not many parts involved :

  • the front part is some free machining steel, if I remember right. I wanted the hole a snug fit and also gave it some length so it is supported. I gave it some knurling to have some grip.
  • the push pin is also free machining steel, of course something harder would be better or something that can get hardened. For now I go with the one I made and the next version can then harder.
  • the rear part is out of a M16 bolt. The front can be screwed on just until the spring starts compressing.
  • the spring comes from an old inkjet printer, it compresses about 22 mm. I made then all dimensions based on that so I can use it to the max length of the spring.

After a while I got the powder coating equipment and I coated the front part. To protect it from rust and also to see how good it works to powder coat over knurling. I have to say, it is super nice to grab now.


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