about site

Why this site ?

For quite some time I’m making lots of different things. For those of them I have pictures at hand I’m building now this site. Most of the things are made up without having real plans and most is just made up as I went along. At the moment I have the oldest entry from back in 2007, but I’m sure I will come along of even older stuff to add.

Many things are built of stuff that I had either laying around. Yeah, I try not to trow away anything unless I’m really certain that I can never use it for anything ever. And the definition of what I might be able to use in the future keeps changing with new skills or ideas added.

Over the years I had several people telling me I should create a website with the stuff I’m making. Germanico, I finally started with it 😉

But why ? Well as a documentation of what I did and do. For myself and whoever is interested. Maybe some things can give people inspiration on how to do things themselves. Things might not be done in the way your ‘supposed’ to do it. Well I do it my way. If it works, it works and else I learned something.

How is content added ?

At one point it will be more like a blog (hopefully), where content is added in timely order and is reflecting what I’m currently doing. At the moment I’m sorting trough my pictures folder and add projects in no particular order. I know already that there will be many more categories, as with time also the things I’m making has changed. But nothing is in any particular order. I haven’t decided yet on how I’m going to add ongoing projects… One post per project, and then update that post when I get further. Or maybe I make it via separate posts that are linked together.

So it will be a mix of current and historical stuff and I hope it will not get too confusing.

When adding a historical project I use the date of the images when it was finished. I know it is not reflecting the time-span it took to finish a certain project. But yeah, does it really matter ?